

For an overview of citations of my papers, please view my Google Scholar profile.

Selected Publications


  • Vrolijk, J., Mol, S. T., Weber, C., Tavakoli, M., Kismihók, G., & Pelucchi, M. (2022, January). OntoJob: Automated Ontology Learning from Labor Market Data. In 2022 IEEE 16th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC) (pp. 195-200).
  • Tavakoli, M., Faraji, A., Vrolijk, J., Molavi, M., Mol, S. T., & Kismihók, G. (2022). An AI-based open recommender system for personalized labor market driven education. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 52, 101508.


  • Kobayashi, V. B., Mol, S. T., Vrolijk, J., & Kismihók, G. (2021). Text mining in career studies: generating insights from unstructured textual data. In Handbook of Research Methods in Careers. Edward Elgar Publishing.


  • Vrolijk, J., & Alimardani, M. (2020, May). Classification of Noisy Epileptic EEG Signals Using Fortified Long Short-term Memory Network. In Proceedings of the 2020 12th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Technology (pp. 145-150).